Date: Sunday, 13 June 2021
River: Weld river.
Water level: Tahune 0.88m.
Participants: 11.
Mystery river with Luke
We got to the sheds at 10 am, and after some difficulty with keys eventually worked our way into the sheds. Quickly packing up the pack rafts, found and tested a range of kayaks and the angles, popped them in the trailer along with the rest of the usual gear.
With rivers dropping we elected to take small boats and head for NWB to check it out on the way to the weld. NWB definitely too low to raft at 8 cumecs we headed for the get-in on the weld.
A trip on the weld happened
- We spent a lot of time swimming
- Luke and Ben had a disagreement on who was to R1 the incept
- Luke decided to pack raft without a seat
- Hamish didn’t swim ??????????? everyone else did
- The kayakers got tired and almost all kayaks ended up in rafts
- Ruth and Talia are not a good R2 team
Some people should have been studying ????
Trip report proudly written by Talia