Date: Saturday, 13 March 2021
River: Mersey.
Water level: 23 cumecs.
Participants: 16.
Camping the night before, we were ready nice and early on the 13th.
With water in the dam Hydro was giving us a decent amount of water, giving us plenty to play on with the new people, with several taking the stick while others played in packrafts.
With a suprise vistit from Grady, and a suprise packraft wrap, we had an eventful 4 runs. (Condolences to Luke's car, whose suspension found it quite a workout with everyone in the back).
Day two saw the depature of several people, and the arrival of Will Percey and his entorage.
With most rafts full of footballers, and one full of guides and water, we punced out two runs before lunch, heralding the departure of the footballers.
We crammed in one last run, with almost everyone crammed into the Incept (leaving plenty of space for water of course), and headed back to Hobart for a 10:30 finish.